第588回定例会 Jan-14-2023例会(14時~17時)



Word of the Day (今日の言葉)は “inspire”『霊感を与える』, “inspiration” 『鼓舞する人・物』です。たけおさんから新年にふさわしい言葉をいただきました。「Her words inspired me to try again」など。スピーカソンのスピーチで次々、色々なヒントを頂きました。


[Prepared Speech Session]









1st Speaker  Eikiさん Title: “My Life Story”
PowerPoint Presentation on the Life Story of Eiki-san. We learned how his school motto to serve others still affect his way of living.

2nd Speaker  Hirokoさん Title: “My grandkids are American.”
First speech of her new manual Presentation Mastery. Congratulations for making a good start on PowerPoint Presentations. We want to know more of your second life in the States.

3rd Speaker  Kazuoさん Title: “Interested in Foreign Languages”
We are inspired by the love of learning languages demonstrated by Kazuo-san!

4th Speaker Yassiさん Title: “A la carte of jokes”
This was a non-project speech, and we enjoyed various funny jokes some of which were quite new…

5th Speaker  Mymyさん Title: “Presentation by PowerPoint “Traveling to Shikoku””
This was also a non-project speech. Mymy-san took a workshop on PowerPoint Presentation and made her first trial which proved to be quite successful!

6th Speaker  Tsukasaさん Title: “My trip to Australia”
Birdwatcher Tsukasa-san made his trip to Australia and had a great time. It must be refreshing to visit foreign countries with this hobby.

7th Speaker  Takaさん Title: “Bug’s Life”
PowerPoint Presentation on the life and society of bugs. We learned a lot of interesting facts on bugs from this “Researching and Presenting” speech.

8th Speaker  Bobさん Title: “Legislative Process 101”
It was a speech with a purpose to build skills – to organize Question-And-Answer Session after a speech. It must be great to have the skill – and we saw a model presentation!


