第545回定例会 Feb-27-2021 オンライン例会(14時~17時)

本日は、Discussison Sessionからスタートしました。
[Discussion Session]
毎月、第2例会の前、1時間、英語の研鑽のためDiscussion Sessionを設けています。

今回は3月7日にOnlineで開催される、Area55,のSpeech Contestに向けて3名のコンテスタントがSpeechの内容、声の抑揚、ジェスチャー、カメラ視線、映り具合等についてアドバイスがありました。クラブを上げて応援しましょう。


Word of the Day “Perseverance”

[Prepared Speech Session]

1st Speaker たつやさん  
  Title: 「My work style」

2nd Speaker ひろこさん   
  Title: 「It is a break time.」

Speech Sessionでは第1スピーカーはたつやさん、タイトルは”My work Style”。
第2スピーカーはひろこさん、タイトルは”It is a break time” で前回のスピーチのフィードバック、大きな声でしゃべること、スピーチの構成を改めることによりEvaluatorより賞賛を受けました。

[Table Topics Session]
事前準備なしに短い英語スピーチを行うTable topic sessionでは、ゲストを含めたメンバー全員がこれにチャレンジ。このセッションでは、どんなトピックが自分にあたるのかいつもドキドキです。


#1 Tell us about the best school teacher you had in your life.
    answered by やっしー

#2 If you are to have a pet at home, would you like to have a dog or cat or something else?
  answered by とも

#3 Suppose that you have an extraordinary musical talent and you are promised to become a world famous musician, which would you to become, a pianist, a violinist, a conductor of an orchestra, an opera singer or a pop singer?
  answered by たつやさん

#4 There are strong opinions among Japanese people that Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics should be stopped this year or postponed again to a later year because of the pandemic problem. What is your comment on these opinions?
  answered by メアリー

#5 The questions are becoming current topics:Japanese population is decreasing and the number of working people naturally decreases. For the sake of economy and development of the country, do you agree with the opinion to increase foreign workers like in European countries in Japan?
  answered by えいさん

#6 Japan is ranked No.4 in contributing financial support to the refugees in the world but the number of accepting the refugees is very limited. Are you in favor to increase the number of refugees and possibly reduce the amount of our financial support?
    answered by つかささん

#7 Using the separate surname/family name by a married couple is not accepted by the law in Japan. (夫婦別姓制度) What is your opinion on our present system? Should we change it?
    answered by Jade

#8 Same sex marriage is not accepted in Japan according to the Constitution. What is your opinion? Should we amend our Constitution?
    answered by くにおさん

#9 Looking at the demonstration and political situation in Hong Kong, how do you think about the future of Hong Kong and its people?
    answered by Joeさん

#10 What should we do about the atomic power generation in the next 5 to 10 years?
  answered by かずおさん

#11 If one day Japan becomes a land where no human beings can continue to live because of earthquake or other natural problems, which country do you like to live in Asian countries because only Asian countries can accept Japanese population?
  answered by ひろこさん

#12 What is happiness for you?
  answered by Guest

<Award Presentation>
本日のBest Table Topics Speakerは、香港の情勢について話したJoeさん、
司会賞は、社会で話題になっている事項を多岐に渡り質問に取り入れた、テーブル トピックス マスターのしょーはくさんが受賞されました。


● 見学・体験参加はいつでも大歓迎です!! 是非一度、私達の例会においで下さい