第525回定例会 April-11-2020 オンライン例会


 準備されたスピーチが2件とそれに対する論評、その場で全員に個別に与えられた話題についてそれぞれ2分間の即席スピーチ(Table Topics Speech)など、予定した2時間余りを有意義に過ごすことができました。


The meeting started with the introduction of the Word of the Day: “Enchanting”, which means very pleasant or attractive, by TM E. M.

Prepared Speech Session

Two prepared speeches were “How to Overcome Dementia” (L1-2-2) by TM Y. U. and “Where have All the Toilet Paper Gone?” (L1-3) by TM M. Y.

TM Y. U. said: There are many elderly people in the society around me. Before I was worried about my dementia, I thought there would be still much to help them. That is why I’m still working for a welfare organization.

I am convinced that just doing this can overcome my dementia.

TM M. Y. pointed out: Technological Innovation has changed the way of spreading rumors. Even though we face such a situation, we should stay calm, think twice, and then act. It’s only YOU to stop “Infordemic”.

Evaluation Session

Two evaluators, TM T. O. and TM T. U presented thoughtful evaluations with certain suggestions for further improvement, respectively.

Table Topics Session

TM M. H gave various topics ranging from very abstract ones such as happiness or encouragement to concrete ones such as life style or foods stocks to the audience and each responded with a short speech full of wit and humor.


Most speakers showed their faces almost full on the screen through the meeting, that is they all kept sitting close to cameras. Some could show him/herself in full length in the camera so that gestures may work well.


TMOD award was presented to TM T. S for her positive participation despite being an inactive member.