Division E International Speech Contest 2018

Date/April 15, 2018
Venue/ Kawasakishi- Shogai Gakusyu Plaza 401
Host/ Japanese contest            Mishima TMC
       English contest               Bashamichi TMC

12:30             Japanese speech contest called to order 
                                                           Contest Chair TM K.C.T   (Mishima TMC)
         The first contestant                    TM Y. H.         場数を踏めばふむほど
         The second contestant               TM T. I.          夢の種
         The third contestant                   TM M. T.         開いた手
         The fourth contestant                 TM H .K.         はい はい はい
         The fifth contestant                    TM K. I.           さあ 耕そう
         The sixth contestant                   TM K. N.         眠り息子の応援団
         The seventh contestant              TM A. A.         無駄な会話

The seven contestants gave powerful, touching speeches. Congratulations!
They were given the participation award.

The winners were; 
       The first place           TM H. K.      (Yokohama Frontier TMC)
The second place     TM T. I.        (Mishima TMC)
The third place         TM A. A.       (Yokohama Hiyoshi TMC)

Our Area contest winner, TM T. I. made an impressive speech and got the second place. TM H.K. won the first place with his actor-like facial expressions and wonderful vocal variety. Congratulations.

14:50             English speech contest called to order
                                                               Contest Chair TM M. F.    (Bashamichi TMC)  

       The first contestant               TM   T. N.       Building Trust      (Champions TMC)
       The second contestant         TM   Y. K.       Lost and Found    ( Atsugi Zama TMC)
The third contestant              TM   G. M.      Family Conflict     ( Mikasa TMC)
The fourth contestant            TM   Y. A.       Listen to your heart (Minatomirai MC) 
The fifth contestant               TM   N. N.       Teachers              (Shonan TMC)
The sixth contestant              TM   T. O.       What if I fail?        (Bashamichi TMC)
The seventh contestant         TM   K. I.         Lost and Found   (Musasikosugi TMC)

The seven contestants made the audience roar with laughter and gave us deep lessons in life! They, including three past District champions, are all superb speakers and some made full use of a large space of the speaking area.

As a member of Shonan TMC, it was a great pleasure to witness the process how TM N. N. brushed up and bloomed his speech to its ultimate. As he himself admitted, a good speech has a universal message. Two more members from Shonan joined me to cheer him up.

TM T. N. showed how we can build trust. Believing someone first builds up trust.
TM Y. K. pointed out the importance of looking back to find what we have left behind.
TM G. A. talked about heart-warming episodes of the quarrel with her mother and today’s her feeling for mother after she had children. She suggested that we each say thank you to our own mother before it’d be too late.
TM Y. A created an attractive word; a super positive yes man, which he used to try to be. But he noticed when his heart said no, he didn’t have to stick to the rule. He said “Listen to your heart and find your own way.”
TM T. O. said “Say Yes, anyway. Think later. If we, being afraid of what if I fail, hesitate first, the second chance may not come.”
TM K. I. told that his experience of having lost his wallet reminded him of the fact; we actually don’t have past and future. Now is the only time available.

The audience were deeply touched by each message.

The interview session was excitingly conducted by TM Y. S. She gave them insightful questions, deriving outstanding answers.

Division E Director TM Y. O. announced the contest result and handed the awards.
       The first place             TM T. O.                  (Bashamichi TMC)   
The second place       TM Y. K.                   (Atsugi Zama TMC)
The third place            TM Y. A.                   (Minatomirai TMC)

After the closing remark by TM G.S. (Bashamichi TMC) the contest adjourned successfully. Division E has 800 members today but will be divided soon, that means this contest is the last one held on this large scale with brilliant legendary contestants.

                                       By M. I. and N. N.