2017/6/3 MOT & Thank-you Party

MOT is an abbreviation of “Moment of Truth”, which is a tool that enables sustained club quality through guided evaluation and targeted recommendations.
MOT is usually held at the end of every term. As usual, it came on June 3 this year. In order to make it more enjoyable, a lunch party, or a Thank-you party was carried out before it. Why Thank-you party ? Its purpose is to thank members for their cooperation during this term, which is also expected to have more members attend MOT.

The MOT & Thank-you party were held in meeting room and kitchen room, Hamamina, Chigasaki. Members who like cooking made delicious foods in site in the kitchen room.
The following pictures show the cooking scene and what foods we cooked.

TM Y.H., TM Y.O., TM L.C. are making dumpling, and TM T.K. is cooking dish with patato and bacon, while TM Y.T. is busy in making Yakisoba.

TM H.S. is making some dishes

These dishes were made by TM Y.H.

Thank-you Party
All members are discussing the way to improve our club seriously in MOT