第610回例会 2023/12/09 (14時∼17時)


Here’s the TMOD report for the regular meeting 610, the last meeting of the year by TMOD TM Ichi. It went through all the sessions very smoothly. 11 toastmasters attended. The meeting started with a welcome induction ceremony for a new member, TM Michielle.

Word of the Day was “supurb.”  Superb choice by TM Yassi who was assigned to select the Word of the Day for the meeting.
※毎回、”今日の言葉”を設定します。例会参加者は、自分の発言時に ” 今日の言葉(今回はsupurb)を使って、参加者は今日の言葉を織り交ぜた文章を考えて話します。今回は参加者全員が例会中にsupurbを織り交ぜながら、例会プログラムを楽しんでいました。

[Prepared Speech Session]

Speech#1 TM Eiki Mizuno/Eiki  Title: Thank Goodness
Presentation Mastery L1(Master the Fundamentals) Researching and Presenting
Eiki-san made a good speech, and TMOD realized the mind in Japanese as a national character by listening to his speech. Eiki-san’s presentation style was excellent, and we could get a full idea of the presentation.

Speech#2 TM Midori Hirota/Jade Title: My Customer
Motivational Strategies L1(Master the Fundamentals) Evaluation and Feedback—First Speech
As always, Jade-san made a great presentation. I admire her high-quality presentation style.

[Table Topics Session]
事前準備なしに短い2分の英語スピーチを行うTable topics sessionでは、ゲストを含めたメンバー全員がチャレンジ。このセッションでは、どんなトピックが自分にあたるのかいつもドキドキです。
New Member Michielle-san conducted a Table Topic Session in a new style. It was well accepted by the attendees.  Members were given one of ten items on a list of Doranmon’s gadgets-Ranking Top5 and Michielle’s 5 selections, and then asked “What is the purpose of the item and how would you use if you could have the one you explained?”
The Top 5 List was made by LINE Research in 2020 based on 5252 responses by Japanese men and women age 15 – 59.

1.Anywhere Door(どこでもドア)
2.Time Machine(タイムマシン)
3.What-if Phone Booth(もしもボックス)
4.The Do-Over Machine(人生やり直し機)
5.Memory Bread(暗記パン)
7.Four Dimensional Pocket(4次元ポケット)
8.The Grourmet Tablecloth(グルメテーブルかけ)
9.Time Kerchief(タイム風呂敷)
10.Translation Gummy (翻訳こんにゃく)

[Award Session]
TMOD Award went to Michielle-san for her ideal and enjoyable content for conducting the role of TT TM, even for her 1st assignment right after her induction day.
Best Table Topics Award went to TM Jade.

ハモニカ、落語、パフォーマンス、詠唱、クイズ、歌 等々 魅力たっぷりの時間でした。



● 見学・体験参加はいつでも大歓迎です!! 是非一度、私達の例会においで下さい。 例会の見学・体験参加希望は、こちらまでメールでお気軽にご連絡ください。