第607回例会 2023/10/28 (14時∼17時)


– I think I could smoothly manage the meeting and enjoyed it as my first experience as TMOD. – It was good to have guests who seemed willing to join the club.

Word of the Day (今日の言葉)は動詞”Reinforce”です。強化する/ 増援する(軍事)など。英語の力もこのクラブでどんどん強化していきたいですね。

※毎回、”本日の単語”を設定します。例会参加者は、自分の発言時に Word of the Day を使うと、もっと 良いことがあるかも!?

[Prepared Speech Session]

Speech#1 TM Takahide Uchimura/Taka  Title: The power of Imagination
Persuasive Influence L1(Master the Fundamentals) Researching and Presenting
 Taka-san did a great job for even a difficult theme to present. He also explained the power of AI and the usefulness of it for the future.

Speech#2 TM Eiki Mizuno/Jade  Title: Do you like egg dishes ? />
 The purpose of this project is for the member to practice using vocal variety or body language to enhance a speech. Eiki-san reproduced the way he cooks eggs every day.
 His presentation style was excellent and we could get a full idea of the presentation.

[Table Topics Session]
事前準備なしに短い2分の英語スピーチを行うTable topics sessionでは、ゲストを含めたメンバー全員がチャレンジ。このセッションでは、どんなトピックが自分にあたるのかいつもドキドキです。
 本日のお題担当は、Kazuoさん。とくにテーマは決めず、時事問題まで含めたとりどりの質問にゲストの方も含めて10 名がとりくみました。

Q1. As for dictionaries, either E-J or J-E, which do you prefer paper-base or digital? Answered by TM Numata

Q2. Which do you think more terrible, a disastrous earthquake or a huge volcano eruption? Answered by TM Mizuno

Q3. While various harmful side effects of the new-corona vaccine are being discussed, would you take 7th shot or not? Answered by TM Kizawa

Q4. Suppose all the infrastructures were destroyed by an earthquake, which do you want to be restored first, electricity, gas, water or sewage? Answered by TM Sugiyama

Q5. If you are supposed to meet someone in the history, with who would you like to have conversation? Answered by TM Hirota

Q6. Again suppose you are going back into the history, what era or period would you like to visit and to see what? Answered by TM Yaoita

Q7. Do you read electronic books or d-magazines?What do you think of such a system? Answered by TM Uchimura

Q8. Would you dare to take the risk of travelling to the space if money doesn’t matter? Answered by TM Ishii

Q9. What do you think of cruising, you like it or rather you don’t? Answered by Guest M.H.

Q10. As for dictionaries, either E-J or J-E, which do you prefer paper-base or digital? Answered by Guest K.H.

[Award Presentation]

– Best TTS Award: Michelle-san(Michiko Hara) got a prize for a great speech even though she was a guest at the meeting.
– TMOD Award: Eiki-san for his relaxed, improved, and happy content of the speech.

 みなさま おめでとうございます!!



● 見学・体験参加はいつでも大歓迎です!! 是非一度、私達の例会においで下さい。 例会の見学・体験参加希望は、こちらまでメールでお気軽にご連絡ください。