2017/6/10 Regular Meeting

On June 10, it was a hot day in rainy season. We held the regular meeting #466 with 20 members at Tsujido Library. To our regret, three role takers were unable to attend just before the meeting because of a business trip and sudden illness.

Shonan TMC President L.C called the meeting to order.

Word of the Day “steadily (adverb)”
TM A.U introduced. All the attendance could see the word in the program.

Business Session
The discussion on CL Support was done. On June 24, Explanatory Meeting of CL Manual will be scheduled by VPE TM T.O.
The report of MOT (held on June 3) was reported by TM T,N.
The information about Installation Party (June 24) was informed by SAA TM M.K.

Introduction of Partners
The role’s explanation was omitted because of no visitors.
I introduced Grammarian TM M.H., Ah-Uh Counter TM A.U.. Vote Counter TM J.Y. and Timer TM Y.T.

Joke Session
Joke Master TM H.M. introduced some funny stories. They were short and witty.

Prepared Speech Session
We had four prepared speakers. 
1st speaker was TM K.I. The title was “The best is yet to come. The 2nd act is coming soon” He delivered his four activities.
2nd speaker was TM.T.K. The title was “Why can yacht sail under upwind condition?” He talked about his experience of sailing yacht.
3rd speaker was TM L.C. The title was “Our Achievement and renovation in this term”. He delivered his achievement of his experience with responsibility.
4th speaker was TM E.M. He talked about Prime Minister in Singapore, Founder of Democracy.

Table Topic Session
Table Topic Master was TM Y.T. Today’s questions were all about Father’s Day.
7 members answered familiar questions relaxedly. The questions were as follows.

What kind of gift would you like to want from your wife or children?(H.M.)
What is your more memorable memory of your father? (M.K.)
What do you think is the talent you inherited, or received from your father? (T.N.)
If you could start over again as a father, what kind of father would you like to be next? (Y.U.)
What present would you like to give to your father? (H.S.)
Who took the initiative at home always, your father or mother? (J.Y.)
When your father became a single, would you ask to live together with your family? (K.I.)

Evaluation Session
After 10 minutes’ break, we had Evaluation Session. Pinch Hitter’s Pinch Hitter ( for TMs A.M. and K.T ) TM K.K played the role of General Evaluator and introduced each evaluator.
1st evaluator was TM Y.H., 2nd evaluator was TM A.M., 3rd evaluator was T.O. and 4th evaluator was TM S.N.

Award presentation
TMOD Award : TM TK (Conquering hospitalization. he delivered a rich speech)
The Award of Best Table Topic Speaker : TM H.S.
The Award of Best Evaluator : TM Y.H.
The Award of Best Speaker : TM L.C.


2017/6/3 MOT & Thank-you Party

MOT is an abbreviation of “Moment of Truth”, which is a tool that enables sustained club quality through guided evaluation and targeted recommendations.
MOT is usually held at the end of every term. As usual, it came on June 3 this year. In order to make it more enjoyable, a lunch party, or a Thank-you party was carried out before it. Why Thank-you party ? Its purpose is to thank members for their cooperation during this term, which is also expected to have more members attend MOT.

The MOT & Thank-you party were held in meeting room and kitchen room, Hamamina, Chigasaki. Members who like cooking made delicious foods in site in the kitchen room.
The following pictures show the cooking scene and what foods we cooked.

TM Y.H., TM Y.O., TM L.C. are making dumpling, and TM T.K. is cooking dish with patato and bacon, while TM Y.T. is busy in making Yakisoba.

TM H.S. is making some dishes

These dishes were made by TM Y.H.

Thank-you Party
All members are discussing the way to improve our club seriously in MOT


2017/5/27 Regular Meeting

465 Regular Meeting was held on May 27, at Mina Park in Fujisawa. 
Totally 24 people joined.
President L. C. called the 465 Regular Meeting to order. 

The word of the day
“succinct” was introduced by TM N.S . succinct(adj)  succinctly(adv) succinctness(n)

Business Session
About “MOT & Thank you party” was announced by President L. C.
TM A.S proceeded with election of the next president.
In the nomination ceremony, presidential nominee, TM N.N was announced and TM K.T had a
supporter’s speech. TM N.N had a short speech as a presidential nominee. The secretary TM T.N
announced that a quorum has been consisted (out of 37active members 24 members are present a meeting) After taking a vote, TM N.N became President-elected for Term 2017-2018.

Joke Master
TM A.M played the role of Joke Master and told us funny jokes. Two of three were about own stories happened in Manhattan in New York. Last one was a story of stingy man. It was told  in Japanese. 

Prepared speech
We had four prepared speakers.
The first speaker was TM Y.W.  The speech title was “Virtual meetings.”
The second speaker was TM J.Y. The speech title was “As time goes by”.
The third speaker was TM T.N.  The speech title was “Should Customers Always Come First?”.
The last speaker was TM T.O. His speech was a “Presentation”. A title was” Creating the Best Club Climate ” .

Table Topics
Five subjects were given by Table Topics Master , TM N.N.
1st topic was “What is your recent happy experience?” TM A.T. answered.
2nd topic was “What do you like about this club?” TM M.K. answered.
3rd topic was “Who is the person you respect most?” TM K.O. answered.
4th topic was “How did English expand your life?”  TM K.T. answered.
5th topic was ” Pick up one person among the members here and make a speech in support of him or her to be President.” TM M.H. answered.

After the break, we had Evaluation Session.  TM Y.T. played the role of General Evaluator and introduced each evaluator. 1st speaker’s evaluator was TM E.M. 2nd  speaker’s evaluator was TM H.S.  3rd speaker’s evaluator was TM K.K.  4th speaker’s evaluator was TM M.H. But this speech had no oral evaluation.

TMOD award was given to TM M.H
The Best Table Topics Speaker was TM A.T . The Best Evaluator was TM E.M.  And the Best Prepared Speaker was TM T.N.