第575回定例会 June-11-2022 オンライン例会(14時~17時)


As usual, very smooth, enjoyable meeting. 
This time, only Yassi-san delivered his speech.But it was effective .

Word of the Day “fascinating”


[Prepared Speech Session]

1st Speaker やっしーさん Title: 「Summer camp revival plan Part 2」
The speech purpose is so important one which required so many help from other
members. The speaker gathered information and analyzed it carefully.
Despite the fact his Power Point did not work, we understood the importance of
Having “ Summer Camp”.

[Table Topics Session]
事前準備なしに短い英語スピーチを行うTable topics sessionでは、ゲストを含めたメンバー全員がこれにチャレンジ。このセッションでは、どんなトピックが自分にあたるのかいつもドキドキです。本日のお題担当は、えいさん。あなたも英語で答えられますか?

Table Topic Master, Ei-san had a new idea; that we had the same topic on our home town.So it was lucky for me to think up the construction because we had longer time.

Q.Where is your home town?Please tell us features of your home town.

1.answered by くにおさん
2.answered by きょうこさん
3.answered by かずおさん
4.answered by やっしーさん
5.answered by つかささん
6.answered by たかふみさん

<Award Presentation>
Best Table Topics Speakerはつかささん。 
TMOD Award(本日の司会賞)は、えいさん。
The reason is he added new idea for the session so that even new comers could prepare for a topic with ease.



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