第574回定例会 May-28-2022 オンライン例会(14時~17時)



Word of the Day “repugnant”


[Prepared Speech Session]

1st Speaker Jadeさん Title: 「Facts about Russia」

2nd Speaker Bobさん Title: 「Drive My Car」

[Table Topics Session]
事前準備なしに短い英語スピーチを行うTable topics sessionでは、ゲストを含めたメンバー全員がこれにチャレンジ。このセッションでは、どんなトピックが自分にあたるのかいつもドキドキです。本日のお題担当は、きょうこさん。あなたも英語で答えられますか?

1.Rainy season comes just around the corner in Next Month.  Speaking of Rainy season, Hydrangea あじさい is an indigenous Japanese-origin flower, a plant, which a famous historical scholar , Mr. Siebold discovered at the end of EDO period. Do you have any memory or another knowledge related to Hydrangea?
 answered by まいまいさん

2.During Rainy season, heavy rain forces us to just staying home. When staying at home for whole day, what makes you happy?  In other words, If you have to stay home, to spend a whole day at just home, What do you do in order to feel better at home?
 answered by ひろこさん

3.We, Japanese tend to dislike Rainy Season, because it usually continues for a month, from Mid—June to mid-July. But, viewing from other aspects, It affects rice-fields to grow well in Japan.
 answered by Bobさん

4.Regarding as Rainy season and heavy rain as well as Typhoon, they remind us of  Natural disasters occurs in Japan frequently.  For example, 九州 districts was suffered from repeatedly floods that washed away a lot of houses and buildings, destroying infrastructures. The latest disaster Protection measures seems not to work. What do you think about that or  Do you have any advice how we prepare for emergency situations individually? I heard  Ei-san worked for public services related to water-supply business.
 answered by えいさん

5  As an Old Chinese proverb 晴耕雨読 says that “ Work hard (in rice fields, paddy) on sunny days, Read books in rainy weather, you have been studying English for long time, How do you usually study English?
 answered by かずおさん

6.After rainy season is over, many people look forward to having summer holidays and want to go on a trip. Do you have a plan to travel somewhere ?  or how will you spend this summer holidays?
 answered by Maryさん

7.Japanese work so hard and diligently. Most of them commuted by trains and busses, transportation services. I head Yassi-san worked at a company. In those day, what did you do when you knew that weather forecast reported heavy rain had been expected before you left home?
 answered by やっしーさん

8.I heard Ms. Jade experienced to live and travel abroad a lot. Could you tell us your most memorable summer vacation you had ever? 
 answered by Jadeさん

9.This summer, electric shortage will be expected in Japan. The Government announced to urge us to save electric-power consumption, individual effort to save electricity seems be limited. What do you think of the p situation and How do you get any idea or any devise to save electric power coping with the shortage? 
  answered by つかささん

<Award Presentation>
Best Table Topics SpeakerはBobさん。 
TMOD Award(本日の司会賞)は、Jadeさん。Hybrid例会中は、常に会場とonline上のメンバーが一体になれるよう、PC操作に腐心して下さり感謝しております。



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