第560回定例会 October-9-2021 ハイブリッド例会(14時~17時)



Word of the Day “Breakthrough”

[Prepared Speech Session]

1st Speaker えいさん Title: 「Harmonica is Toy or Musical Instrument.」

2nd Speaker Jadeさん Title: 「Hawaiian Butterfly Song」

[Table Topics Session]
事前準備なしに短い英語スピーチを行うTable topics sessionでは、ゲストを含めたメンバー全員がこれにチャレンジ。このセッションでは、どんなトピックが自分にあたるのかいつもドキドキです。

本日のTable Topics Sessionのお題担当は、ひろこさん。二者択一の答え易い出題でした。あなたも本日のお題に英語で答えられますか?
Are you tired or not tired ?  I’ll check your health condition. Now I’ll give you some questions. Please answer a or b with your comments.

① Where have you played at your childhood?  
   a. inside of the house 
   b. outside

② 「ピチャピチャ」What do you image when you hear the sound?
   a. The sound which someone eats something
   b. The sound which someone walks in the rain

③ Suppose that you were a music player, which do you want to play?    
   a. piano     
   b. violin

④ Have you played many things and visited here and there at your childhood? 
   a. yes   
   b. not so many

⑤ You have many memories about your childhood. Which don’t you want remember?
   a. relationship between your friends and you
   b. study    ex. school report or test’s score

⑥ Suppose that you are not accustomed to make cakes.
   a. You think you’ll be able to make cakes so so.
   b. You think you’ll be able to make cakes very well. Or you’ll fail it.

⑦ Suppose that you are travelling alone, which book do you choose to bring?
   a. tragic stories       
   b. comic stories

⑧ Do you do the thing which there are risks on the business or any other time?
   a. Yes, I do.           
   b. No, I don’t. 

⑨ You are wondering whether you should do or not?
   a. Anyway, you try it.
   b. At first, you’ll get information, or get knowledge about it.

⑩ In the case you are absorbed in something,
   a. You continue it without meals or even if it’s lack of sleeping.
   b. No, I stop it.

<Check results>
   A  Positive and active type ( tiredness 10%) 
   B  Thoughtful and bright type ( tiredness 30%)  

 Do you agree? Or not?   ( Quoted from ‘ Heart & Mind Test’ )

<Award Presentation>
本日のBest Table Topics Speakerは先日入会されたばかりのT.Y.さん。




● 見学・体験参加はいつでも大歓迎です!! 是非一度、私達の例会においで下さい