Regular Meeting July 14, 2018

Welcome to our club HP

Regular Meeting #489 was held with 18 members on July 14, 2018

It started with
<Joke session>
TM K. K. was such a wonderful joke master that he made the audience burst out laughing. For example, “On an air plane, a guy shouted, ‘Hi, Jack!’ to someone, which terrified the other passengers who misunderstood the words as hijack.”

<Prepared speech session>
    1st speaker                   TM Y. W.                 (7minutes)
Title: “Japanese good leaders”
He started talking about dictator type of samurai leaders such as Nobunaga. Then he emphasized the importance of “Persuasion skill” as one of the critical elements for today’s leaders. He also discussed Japanese style of decision-making, including unofficial negotiation in advance (Nemawashi) which is different from that of foreign-affiliated firms. He suggested that there should be a dramatic change in this day of globalization.

    2nd speaker                   TM M. I.                 (7minutes)
    Title: “Bloom where God has planted you”
When her relationship with her daughter became at stake she happened to know that Omuro-cherry trees had bloomed over hundreds of years even though their sprouts and roots had been cut not to grow tall. She felt for them and remembered the title of a famous book, “Bloom where God has planted you.” This maxim gave encouragement to her.

    3rd speaker             TM K. I.             (7minutes) 
    Title: “I am a business advisor for Japan Mini-golf Sport Association“
He introduced the history and rules of Mini-golf and invited us to join him.It was very tempting to play the sport.

    4th speaker             TM T. I.   (5minutes for speech and 3minutes for Q&A)
    Title: “Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games”
He explained the contents and schedule of the Olympic Games and encouraged us toVolunteer for various roles, like those for yacht sailing in Enoshima, so near for us.   After the speech we had Q&A time, he answered to a few questions from the floor.

<Table Topics session >
    TM H. S. prepared sealed envelopes in each of which she enclosed a lovely picture. Each called-on speaker chose one of them and gave 2-minute impromptu speech related to the picture.
What a thrill!  
                                                            Family memory of riding a boat
                                                                                     to see fireworks
    Memory of buying snacks                      Memory of a vinyl pool

Episode of a small quarrel                A tall boy not good at creeping
in the just-married period                                      into a mosquito net

<Evaluation session >
    Four evaluators gave 3-minute warm evaluation, respectively, with various suggestions for improvement, such as about smooth transition of topics, gestures or clarification of the speaker’s idea.

<Award presentation> 
    TMOD Award                           TM J. Y. for her earnest efforts in the TM activities
Best Table Topics Speaker      TM N. S.
Best Evaluator                          TM M. H.
Best Prepared Speaker            TM M. I.

    We’ve got a new member!  Ms. Y. N. declared her will to join us
                                                                                 and was inducted as a member.

                                            By A. M. and M. I. ; Photos by TM T. I. and H. S.