Division E International Speech Contest 2018

Date/April 15, 2018
Venue/ Kawasakishi- Shogai Gakusyu Plaza 401
Host/ Japanese contest            Mishima TMC
       English contest               Bashamichi TMC

12:30             Japanese speech contest called to order 
                                                           Contest Chair TM K.C.T   (Mishima TMC)
         The first contestant                    TM Y. H.         場数を踏めばふむほど
         The second contestant               TM T. I.          夢の種
         The third contestant                   TM M. T.         開いた手
         The fourth contestant                 TM H .K.         はい はい はい
         The fifth contestant                    TM K. I.           さあ 耕そう
         The sixth contestant                   TM K. N.         眠り息子の応援団
         The seventh contestant              TM A. A.         無駄な会話

The seven contestants gave powerful, touching speeches. Congratulations!
They were given the participation award.

The winners were; 
       The first place           TM H. K.      (Yokohama Frontier TMC)
The second place     TM T. I.        (Mishima TMC)
The third place         TM A. A.       (Yokohama Hiyoshi TMC)

Our Area contest winner, TM T. I. made an impressive speech and got the second place. TM H.K. won the first place with his actor-like facial expressions and wonderful vocal variety. Congratulations.

14:50             English speech contest called to order
                                                               Contest Chair TM M. F.    (Bashamichi TMC)  

       The first contestant               TM   T. N.       Building Trust      (Champions TMC)
       The second contestant         TM   Y. K.       Lost and Found    ( Atsugi Zama TMC)
The third contestant              TM   G. M.      Family Conflict     ( Mikasa TMC)
The fourth contestant            TM   Y. A.       Listen to your heart (Minatomirai MC) 
The fifth contestant               TM   N. N.       Teachers              (Shonan TMC)
The sixth contestant              TM   T. O.       What if I fail?        (Bashamichi TMC)
The seventh contestant         TM   K. I.         Lost and Found   (Musasikosugi TMC)

The seven contestants made the audience roar with laughter and gave us deep lessons in life! They, including three past District champions, are all superb speakers and some made full use of a large space of the speaking area.

As a member of Shonan TMC, it was a great pleasure to witness the process how TM N. N. brushed up and bloomed his speech to its ultimate. As he himself admitted, a good speech has a universal message. Two more members from Shonan joined me to cheer him up.

TM T. N. showed how we can build trust. Believing someone first builds up trust.
TM Y. K. pointed out the importance of looking back to find what we have left behind.
TM G. A. talked about heart-warming episodes of the quarrel with her mother and today’s her feeling for mother after she had children. She suggested that we each say thank you to our own mother before it’d be too late.
TM Y. A created an attractive word; a super positive yes man, which he used to try to be. But he noticed when his heart said no, he didn’t have to stick to the rule. He said “Listen to your heart and find your own way.”
TM T. O. said “Say Yes, anyway. Think later. If we, being afraid of what if I fail, hesitate first, the second chance may not come.”
TM K. I. told that his experience of having lost his wallet reminded him of the fact; we actually don’t have past and future. Now is the only time available.

The audience were deeply touched by each message.

The interview session was excitingly conducted by TM Y. S. She gave them insightful questions, deriving outstanding answers.

Division E Director TM Y. O. announced the contest result and handed the awards.
       The first place             TM T. O.                  (Bashamichi TMC)   
The second place       TM Y. K.                   (Atsugi Zama TMC)
The third place            TM Y. A.                   (Minatomirai TMC)

After the closing remark by TM G.S. (Bashamichi TMC) the contest adjourned successfully. Division E has 800 members today but will be divided soon, that means this contest is the last one held on this large scale with brilliant legendary contestants.

                                       By M. I. and N. N.

Regular Meeting April 14, 2018

    President N. N. called the Meeting No.483 to order and welcomed two guests.

    TM N. N. presented “Word of the day: “Awesome (adjective) and Awe (n)”. Two speakers used this word.

Business Session
     * VPPR TM Y.W explained the new idea, in order to put the proper photos of speakers at the meeting on STMC Home Page, that the photographers will take those during the 1-minute silence.
     * VPE TM Y. T. announced the meeting of Moment of Truth to be held on June 23. The detailed information will be sent by e-mail later.
* STMC Presidential Election
On behalf of the presidential election committee, TM N.N. announced that only TM T. O. to run for the presidency. TM T. O. delivered his speech for running for the election. After that, TM Y. Watanabe made a supportive speech for TM T.O. Finally, TM T.O. was selected as the President in the next term by a unanimous vote.

     TMOD: TM T. I.
     Grammarian: TM Y. T.
     Ah/Uh Counter: TM N.N.
     Vote Counter: TM T. O.
     Timer: TM M. I.

Joke Session
    The Joke Master is TM H.S. She introduced two jokes.

Prepared Speech Session
    First Speaker: TM T.S.
TOMD asked all speakers to answer his question “What is your most memorable event in April? Her answer was “It is having entered the university and started the dorm life. ”The title of her speech was “All I need is love”.
  Second Speaker: TM K. K.
    His answer was “Strolling in the sea of cherry blossoms in Ninna-Ji. There the height of the trees is only 2 – 3m. The title of his speech was ”Cherry Blossoms in Japan”. 

    Third Speaker: TM M. H.
    Her answer was “I have experienced entrance ceremonies on various occasions in my life, and the most unforgettable one is that of the primary school. I was born in March and the smallest one in the class – People before me stood tall, and they had such a serious look during the ceremony. I later learned these people are called ‘teachers’”. Her speech manual is Pathways, Icebreaker.The title of her speech was “Being Fresh”.
Fourth Speaker: TM Y. W.
    His answer was “As I have many memorable events in April, I can’t decide one.Thus I’ll select the oldest memorable event that I was so crying for my mother after I took the bus to the kindergarten for the first time.His speech manual is Pathways, Icebreaker. The title of his speech was “The child is father of the man.”

Table Topics Session
The Table Topics Master is TM T. K. He asked the following 5 questions concerning High School.
     1. What kind of sports did you concentrate on at your high school?
     2. Who is an unforgettable teacher?
     3. What subject did you concentrate on except sports?
     4. What is an unforgettable experience?
     5. Do you meet with any class mates?   

     TM T. O., TM A. T., TM T. A., TM H. S. and TM M. K. made wonderful prompt speeches, respectively.

After 10 minute- break, Evaluation Sessio
    The General Evaluator was TM E. M.
    Four evaluators evaluated each speaker’s speech.
TM K. I. evaluated TM T. S.’s speech.
 TM A. M. evaluated TM K.K.’s speech.
 TM Y. H. evaluated TM M. H.’s speech.
    TM Y. U. evaluated TM Y. W.’s speech.



Award Presentation  
     The TMOD Award:                       TM T. O.
                             for accepting the unexpected change of the
role to Vote Counter.
    The Best Table Topics Speaker:  TM A. T.
    The Best Evaluator:                      TM Y. H.
    The Best Prepared Speaker:       TM M. H.
                                       By T. I.


20180401 Area57 Speech Contest

District 76       Division E     Area 57
2018 Japanese & English International Contest

Date/        Sunday, April 1,2018
Venue/     Odawara Citizen Exchange Center UMECO
Host/         English Contest       Shonan TMC
                 Japanese contest    Odawara TMC
Among the attendance of about 50, from Shonan TMC were 10 including two Contestants and some in charge of certain roles

2018 Japanese speech contest

12:15         Japanese speech contest call to order     Contest Chair TM Hironori Saito
                 Opening remarks                                  Area 57 Director TM Chiharu Tanabe
12:30         Japanese speech contest
                 The first contestant                TM T. A.        (Southern Beach TMC)
                 The second contestant          TM S. I.         (Odawara TMC)
                 The third contestant               TM T. I.         (Mishima TMC)
                 The fourth contestant             TM M. S.       (Mishima TMC)
                 The fifth contestant.               TM M. N.       (Southern Beach TMC)
                 The sixth contestant               TM K. S.       (Odawara TMC)
     The six contestants all gave wonderful and impressive speeches.

     They were given the Participation Awards by Contest Chair and interviewed by
     TM N. Z.

       The winners were:
                 The first place            TM T. I.          (Mishima TMC)
                 The second place      TM M. S..       (Mishima TMC)
                 The third place           TM T. A.         (Southern beach TMC)

   After the Host Club President’s closing address the Japanese contest adjourned. .

2018   English Speech Contest

14:45           English Speech Contest Call to Order      Contest Chair       TM M. K.
Opening remarks                                       Area 57 Director  TM C. T.

After the explanation of contest rules and Contestants qualification report by Chief Judge TM T. O’s, the speech order was announced .

15:00       English Speech Contest
               The first contestant                   TM M. M.           (Mishima TMC)
               Speech Title; Watching over me
                               Summary     Life is tough .So it was nice to have someone 
                                                   watching over you. She noticed she could also be
                                                  the one to watch over someone . But It doesn’t mean
                                                   giving a hand totally, but keeping a warm watch
                                                   over someone.
                The second contestant             TM N.N.           (Shonan TMC)
                   Speech Title; Teachers
                               Summary     He has taught a lot of students but he has also
                                                  learned a lot from his students. Students can be
                                                   teachers. Life itself is the Best School for anyone.
                                                   We can enrich our life by this unfinished learnings.
                 The third contestant                 TM Y. S.           (Southern Beach TMC)
                   Speech Title; Around you
                               Summary     She talked about her experience while diving. It was
                                                   the moment she noticed there were people
                                                   protecting her and that we are surrounded by kind
                                                   people loving each of us, respectively. They are all
                                                   around us.
                 The fourth contestant                 TM S. Y.         (OdawaraTMC)
                    Speech Title; Bloom your flower
                                 Summary   He talked about the key conversation with his
                                                   boss which broke through his stressful business
                                                   situation and made him positive.
                                                   His message was “Bloom your flower!”
                 The fifth contestant                     TM Y. W.        (Shonan TMC) 
 Speech Title; Toastmasters
                                 Summary   His speech was about his experiences at Shonan
                                                   TMC ; how he felt attending the regular meeting
                                                   for the first time and came to find out it’s the best
                                                   place to learn persuasive speech in business, which
                                                   he proved himself in his successful business career.
                 The sixth contestant                    TM K. C. T.     (Mishima TMC)
                     Speech Title; Jupiter
                                 Summary     With his tenor’s voice, he sang the first part of the
                                                    song “ Jupiter”,   Ayaka Hirahara’s most popular
                                                     song. Life has ups and downs and even inside
                                                     himself he feels angelic side and demonic side of
                                                     mind. But listening Jupitar has always been his
                                                     motivation to keep his self-esteem.
             The seventh contestant                  TM S. N.         (Southern Beach TMC)
                   Speech Title; Next is my turn
                             Summary     He talked about his father, very classic authoritative
                                                 type, respected as a leader by neighbor.. But for him
                                                 he looked too judgmental. Now that he has his own
                                                 child, it is his turn to aim his own idealistic father, but
                                                 from his wife’s point of view he tends to be too sweet.

Interview session

     Every contestant was given the Participation Award and was interviewed by TM M. I..
     To the question; what inspires you most? A contestant said seeing new world, 
     meeting new people, these are my inspiration. Another said inter-cultural activity
     is my interest. One said toastmasters activity itself is his inspiration. They all really 
Mr. and Ms. Toastmasters.   

16:30         Contest Chair announced the contest result and Area 57 Director TM C. T.
                  handed the Awards.       

                 First Place                TM N. N.                    (Shonan)
                 Second Place           TM M. M.                   (Mishima)
                 Third Place               TM S. N.                    (Southern Beachi)

                 TM N. N. (Shonan, English) and TM T. I. (Mishima, Japanese) proceed 
                 to the Division
 Contest as our representatives on April 15th.

President of Shonan TMC, TM N. N. made the host club President’s address and the contest  ended in a friendly atmosphere.

Thank you for the wonderful contestants and all the role takers and supportive audience.  

                                                                               By M. I.